Monday 29 December 2014

Giant stars seen starting to merge

Two giant stars are starting to merge, astronomers say.

Sci­en­tists are re­port­ing the dis­cov­ery of a pair of huge stars that are cir­cling each oth­er and are start­ing to merge.

The­o­ret­i­cal mod­els pre­dict that the big­gest stars form by merg­ing with oth­er smaller stars, ac­cord­ing to the re­search­ers. These stars in­i­tially make up “bi­na­ry” or “mul­ti­ple” sys­tems, in which two or more stars move around each oth­er about a com­mon cen­tral point.

Artistic rendering of MY Cam system. The proportions between the parts reflect the analysis results. The stars are deformed by their fast rotation and the companion's pull. (Credit: Javier Lorenzo, U. of Alicante).

Cute Pink Girls Stuff

Winters and Dry Skin Problem

Skin is the most important organ of our body whose care is very essential and Dry Skin is the most common skin problem specially in winter, cause low humidity . Winter season badly dries skin, and snatches its natural moisture and attraction as well, it becomes dry and chapped. Skin needs to retain its natural moisture.

Here we are sharing some dry skin treatment.

12 Ways TO Be Happy